2017-02-24Congratulations to Mingmin Li on her paper accepted by Analytical Chemistry!
Congratulations to Mingmin Li on her paper accepted by Analytical Chemistry!
2017-01-31Congratulations to Sisi Ma on her paper accepted by Small!
2017-01-11Congratulations to Yongmei Yin on her paper accepted by Analytical Chemistry!
Congratulations to Yongmei Yin on her paper accepted by Analytical Chemistry!
2017-01-05Congratulations to Yanmei Xiong on her paper accepted by Nanoscales!
Congratulations to Yanmei Xiong on her paper accepted by Nanoscales!
2016-11-29Congratulations to Yuyan Zhang on her paper accepted by Analytical Chemistry!
Congratulations to Yuyan Zhang on her paper accepted by Analytical Chemistry!
2016-09-12Welcome Er-zao Zeng, Yang Xue,Xue-jing Li and Dian-qi Li to join the group!
Welcome Er-zao Zeng, Yang Xue,Xue-jing Li and Dian-qi Li to join the group!
Congratulations to Fangfei Yin and Huiqiao Liu on her paper accepted by Analytical Chemistry!
2016-01-01Welcome Peng-juan Zhang to join the group!
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